Since the beginning of the year, 80 people have fallen ill with botulism, seven of them have died - the Ministry of Healthcare |
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Since the beginning of the year, 80 Ukrainians have fallen ill with botulism

17 августа 2018, 15:58 | Мир и человек, Здоровье
72 cases of botulism were registered in 2018 in Ukraine
72 cases of botulism were registered in 2018 in Ukraine

Since the beginning of the year, 80 Ukrainians have fallen ill with botulism, seven of them died.

This was reported by the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Healthcare.

“Since early 2018, as of August 15, 2018, 72 cases of botulism have been registered, as a result of which 80 people suffered, 7 of them died,” – the report said.

Physicians urge Ukrainians not to use dried, salted and canned fish, canned food or meat products, if the products were not thermally processed before consumption.

The main clinical signs of botulism are various neural disorders – vision impairment (diplopia or blurry vision), slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, muscular weakness.

Earlier it was reported that high-quality antitoxins of Canadian production appeared in Ukraine, which are necessary for immediate treatment of botulism.


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